Thursday, September 4, 2008

MEPS - Day Two

Day Two:
0430: Wakeup is a pain the butt, the alarm clock that was set up by the hotel was set to some Mariachi band, and that's not exactly the way I expected to wake up. My roommate was cool though and didn't keep me up at all last night and the sleep actually wasn't bad. We head downstairs and got some breakfast chow and marched to the beat of the wannabe drill sergeant lady's drum.
0600: We arrive at the MEPS our bus driver wasn't the brightest guy and just dropped us off on the street instead of pulling into the actual parking lot. We're given a brief about what to do in the event of an emergency and the rules governing federal buildings. Like you can't bring a gun or knife (big surprise huh) to MEPS. Then we turn in our packets to our liaison and he gave us our stickers to wear on our shirts so we can be scanned in like groceries. It felt kind of weird being given a bar code. Then we're herded into a room where we get a medical briefing from the chief who should be an army comedian. He was really funny and kind of gave us the overall perspective of what was to happen the rest of the day. I felt bad for the few girls in our group as a lot of the humor was kind of guy oriented. Oh well. Then I was sent with a smaller group to take the ASVAB test as I didn't get a chance to take it the night before like it would have been done normally. I scored a 99 and I was pretty excited about that because it beat my mom's score of 98. That was placed into my permanent record and I was instructed to head to medical.

Medical at MEPS: The Real Fun

I was immediately taken into get my blood taken for HIV tests and such, that was pretty easy as the girl didn't have any trouble getting my vein, luckily I have pretty good veins also. Then I was handed a cup and told to fill it while I had some guy watching to make sure we didn't falsify any of the urinalysis. I really didn't have to go so I gave up and went to drink a bunch of water while I did my vision and Hearing tests. Then came back and did my urine test. (Good thing i have never done drugs huh) Then the doctor had me and another guy come in to do our physical test, which is basically a series of tests designed to check your joints, muscles, etc to make sure you're G2G for basic training. They also do a hernia check (guys, turn your head and cough, lol) and a visual inspection of your bum. (while embarrassing, very quick and easy)

All of this is put into the permanent record and I was instructed to take this back to the Liaison who told me that i qualified physically and did very well on my Asvab so then I got to go sit down for hours and wait. Here is where my mind was going crazy. My recruiter didn't pull me a job so I really didn't have anything to go on. I had no clue what job I would be able to get and it was a matter of just hurrying up to wait. The Liaison called me in and asked what job I wanted, and I told him 68W and he said if I didn't get that, what would be a second option. I just said anything medical.

Finally I got called in to find out the details of my contract. I got the 68W (medical specialist) in my contract as well as a Signing Bonus and a 4 year active duty agreement. I was pretty happy overall, totally exhausted and ready to go home. I went home and crashed out pretty shortly thereafter.

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